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What are Notes?

SQLite Navigator

What is the "Notes" in the SQLite Navigator?


The notes feature simply allows you to save notes that are stored and indexed in the IDE's database. From the IDE you can search, view, export, rename, add and delete any note (the notes are not specific to any particular database you might have added into the IDE). To search for a note by title you can use the IDE hotkey Ctrl+T or Ctrl+,.

To perform many of the operations, use the mouse to right click on a note to view it's actions context menu.


The IDE settings include Auto Save Notes which will automatically persist the note you're working on to the IDE's database every time a character is typed. The text in the notes editor can still be backed out as long as the note window stays open (to do this use Ctrl+Z to undo changes).

Last Modified: 07/07/2023