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What hotkeys are available?

Lua Automation IDE


The following hotkeys are supported in the Lua Automation IDE:

Hot Key Action
F1 Show Snippets
F2 Show Example Templates Dialog
F5 Runs Program
Ctrl+K Comments out selection
Ctrl+U Uncomment selection
Ctrl+Left Click Generates the code to left click on the screen coordinate even when not recording a macro. This works outside of the editor window.
Ctrl+Right Click Generates the code to right click on the screen coordinate even when not recording a macro. This works outside of the editor window.
Pause or Ctrl+Break (Fn+B) Global hot key that stops a macro from recording (and/or also stops any running scripts). If a macro is recording the pause/break will be omitted from the macro.
Ctrl+F Find Text Dialog
Ctrl+G Insert Guid (Global Unique Identifier)
Ctrl+. Show top level Lua and Lua extension namespaces
Last Modified: 08/03/2023