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Efficient Batch Execution of SQL Commands with SQLite

Boosting Performance with Buffered Query Execution

Have you ever wondered how to optimize the execution of SQL commands in Lua while ensuring data integrity and performance? Look no further! In this blog post, we'll explore a powerful technique called buffered query execution using SQLite in Lua.

The code snippet referenced in this post is included in its entirety at the end of the article.

When working with large datasets or executing multiple SQL commands, it's essential to strike a balance between immediate execution and batch processing. With buffered query execution, SQL commands are intelligently grouped and executed in batches, resulting in improved efficiency and reduced overhead.

To begin, we set up the path to our SQLite database and establish the connection string. This connection is shared across script references, making it safe to call even if the connection is already open from a previous script run.

Next, we create a sample table if it doesn't exist already, ensuring that our database is properly structured. We also clear any existing records from the table to start with a clean slate.

To demonstrate the power of buffered query execution, we generate a series of INSERT statements in a loop. Each statement contains a parameterized insert value, allowing us to efficiently insert multiple rows with minimal overhead. By queuing up these parameterized inserts, we can quickly and effectively insert data into the database.

Before we move on, it's important to mention that the buffered queries aren't immediately sent to the database. Instead, they are held in a buffer until explicitly flushed. This approach allows us to fine-tune the timing of query execution for optimal performance. In this case, we flush all the inserts after the loop.

After flushing the inserts, we retrieve and log the last value inserted into the sample table. This demonstrates that our inserts were successful and that the buffered query execution process is working as expected.

Finally, we perform a count query to verify the number of rows added to the table. By executing SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sample we ensure data integrity and confirm that all ten rows were successfully inserted.

Remember, when working with buffered query execution, it's crucial to close the database connection properly. Closing the connection not only releases any allocated resources but also ensures that any remaining buffered queries are flushed and executed before terminating the script.

In conclusion, buffered query execution provides a powerful mechanism to enhance the performance and integrity of SQL commands in Lua using SQLite. By grouping queries into batches and flushing them strategically, you can significantly improve the efficiency of your database operations. So why wait? Start leveraging buffered query execution in your Lua scripts today and witness the boost in performance and data integrity firsthand.


-- SQL commands can be executed in batches that are buffered (the buffer timing
-- is configurable but runs every 10 seconds if there are entries waiting to be
-- processed.  SQL commands can also be executed immediately.

-- Setup the path to our SQLite database and the connection string
local dbPath = environment.PathCombine(environment.DesktopFolder(), "lua.db")
local connectionString = "Datasource=" .. dbPath
ui.Log("Opening database at " .. dbPath)

-- Open a database connection, this is shared across script references
-- and is safe to call even if the connection is already open from a previous
-- script run.

-- Create a sample table if it doesn't already exist.

-- Delete any records that may already exist.
db.ExecuteBuffered("DELETE from sample")

-- Insert
for i = 1, 10 do
    local insertValue = "i = " .. i
    -- Queue up a parameterized insert.
    db.ExecuteBuffered("INSERT INTO sample(value) VALUES (@1)", { insertValue })	

-- Flush all of the inserts to the database

-- Read the last value from the table and echo it out.
local value = db.SelectValue("select value from sample order by id desc limit 1")

-- We should also see that 10 rows were added if we ran this one time.
local rows = db.SelectValue("select count(*) from sample")
ui.Log(rows .. " rows found")

-- Closing will flush any buffered queries that are waiting to run.
Last Modified: 07/06/2023
ui db