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Click on a running application

LUA Automation IDE

This sample will find a program by it's name (extension not required) and click on the surface area of that window 16 pixels to the right and 16 pixels from the top of the top left corner of the form. It should be noted that different verisons of Windows return different values for the position of the window (some versions including padding that exists but is unseen).


local x = 0
local y = 0
local app = "teams"

ui.Log("Locating '" .. app .. "'")

local win = ui.GetWindowPosition(app)

-- Remember, goto statements in Lua have very specific rules, one of which
-- being local variables cannot be declared between the goto and where it
-- goes.  Declaring variables at the top scope helps in this case.
if win.X == -32000 or win.Y == -3200 then
    ui.Log("'" .. app .. "' was minimized.")
	goto continue

ui.Log("Found at " .. win.X .. ", " .. win.Y)

-- Save original mouse coordiates
x = mouse.X
y = mouse.Y

-- Set position (teams, then click), if the Y is negative meaning it's probably
-- on another monitor we have to set to 0, then move to the correct position.
if (win.Y < 0) then
	mouse.SetPosition(win.X + 16, 0)

mouse.SetPosition(win.X + 16, win.Y + 16)	

-- Reset mouse position
mouse.SetPosition(x - 16, y - 16)
mouse.SetPosition(x, y)


Last Modified: 06/29/2023