Frequently Asked Questions
Icon Converter
The following are frequently asked questions for Icon Converter.
What formats are supported?
How do I convert an image to an ico?
You can convert an image to an ICO by dragging the image file onto the main window UI in the "Drag and drop images here" section or choose an image from the "Open Image" option on the main window's ribbon.
Will the application convert batches of icons without having to save each on individually
Yes. There is a setting turned off by default called Auto save best quality .ico in same folder
that will provide this functionality. The batch processed ico file will be of the same name as the original only with it's extension replaced with .ico. Any unsupported types will be skipped.
How do I save the converted icon?
The first way is to click the Save Icon
button below the icon in the main tab where it's open. The second way is to click Save Icon
on the ribbon with the item you want to save being active in the main dock. The third way and most efficient, especially for batch processing is to enable the Auto saves the icons to the same folder
setting. You can find this setting by clicking on File
in the ribbon which will bring up the settings panel among other options.